This post is a bit late but after a couple weeks to "relax" and settle in here I got back to work. Although on one hand I would have liked the "vacation" to last longer I was surprised how happy it made me to get back into a work routine. Although UCSF was gracious enough to grant me a year sabbatical I agreed up front to complete a research project that I've been working on with them for the last year and a half. So for now my Mondays, Wednesday mornings, and Fridays have been spent wrapping up that project. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I'm back to work with my online nutrition practice and "seeing" clients through Skype. Even with the time difference this is working pretty well so far. I have the mornings to work on admin tasks and blog posts and then the afternoons I get to work with clients. Since we're 9 hours ahead of California, and for now most of my clients are in California, my "office hours" are 4-10pm my time, which is equivalent to 7am-1pm PST. So far this has been working well and thankfully is still allowing me to earn some money while we're away. I'm also hopeful that with the extra time I now have to devote to my business that I will be able to grow it and make it a more lucrative option for me.
Although Marc is not officially working while he's here, at least not yet, he has definitely been "working". He's helping me with some of the business and technical side of my practice. He's had to manage ALL the administrative stuff since our arrival (banking, insurance, phones, internet, school stuff, car, visas, etc). He's also been essential in helping the girls transition to school, driving them around (twice a week for half the day they are going to another school for French classes with other non-French speaking students), and he's been the primary liaison with the teachers. I can't imagine trying to do all that on my own with my little French language skills. He's been amazing! I hope that financially we will be able to continue this set-up throughout the year but if funds drop too low the plan would still be for Marc to find a temporary or part-time job. Thankfully since he's a French citizen he can do this. Although I hope he won't have to, I'm definitely grateful that we have the option. And who knows, he might just want to get back to work at some point. :)
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