Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Family & Food - Month 1

It's hard to believe it's already been over a month since we arrived in France; 6 weeks to be exact.  It probably took us almost an entire month but I think I can safely say that we're pretty settled in at this point.  The girls are making friends and getting used to school.  Although I still don't think they like it very much they're not complaining as much and thankfully no more melt-downs at the gate.  We've settled into our house, have a car, and Marc and I have a nice work-day routine set-up.  It's such a treat to not have to commute to work and to actually take a proper lunch break.  Except for the days I'm meeting with clients, it's also been nice to be able to go pick up the girls from school and actually spend the late afternoon / evening with them and have dinner at a normal hour.  Back in California, we have such a crazy schedule, it's not uncommon for Marc and I to both not be home until after 8pm.  Although there's still some challenges here and there I'm definitely not taking for granted the sanity of our schedule right now.  It's been a real treat so far.

We've also been able to spend quite a bit of time with Marc's family; generally eating as you'll see from the photos below. :)  Every Wednesday afternoon we pick the girls up from school and then head over to Marc's mom and dad's house for lunch.  The afternoons we get to spend together.  Most Sundays we gather with his parents and brother's family for Sunday lunch.  It's been such a treat to have so much time with all of them.  Here's a picture essay of some highlights from this last month; feels a little like a culinary essay.

A Wednesday afternoon walk along the lake.

Finally got the girls art cabinet outfitted with coloring books, pencils, markers, paints, and brushes.  

They were so happy to finally do art again!  
That was a sorely missed activity; especially since the art in school is really limited.

A pre Sunday lunch rose.

No meal is complete without a delicious cheese spread and some sort of delicious sweet treat.

My sister-in-law made this tart with fresh blueberries her parents had collected from the mountains!

 Celebrating Lola's half-birthday (7 1/2).  Mami surprised her after lunch one weekend.

Most weekends we get to Skype with friends back home.  The girls love this!

First dinner in our new house -- pizza and salad of course.

Sushi dinner with Marc's brother and family.

Visiting Tata Gisele (the inspiration for Lola's middle name) and celebrating her 82nd birthday!   

Playing with Tata Gisele's dog, Fleur.  She actually let them put a ponytail in!

Enjoying "American Pancakes" with everyone

Marc with his brother and Dad.

Lola helping me prepare an afternoon snack.

Marc's Dad caught us some delicious fish (Omble) from the lake.  
We enjoyed it on a salad with fresh walnuts that Marc's Mom gave us.

Sunday lunch at Mami and Papi's.

Some flan and cake to follow.
After lunch play time with Mami and Papi's Dog, Louki

I love these drinkable fountains dispersed throughout town. 
We're lucky that Thonon is fed by a spring, like Evian, so the water is really good.

A view of Thonon Harbor.

One of the large fountains in town

The girls are enjoying their new Thursday after-school tradition of chocolate croissants with Papa.

A Saturday afternoon in Evian.

Crepes for lunch.  Yummy!!

Looking forward to the changing season and seeing what October will bring us!  Happy Fall everyone!!

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